Best Rice Cooker in 2023

We looked at rice cooker reviews, prices, and common features to come up with this short list of the best rice cookers in 2023! Things to consider when choosing the best rice cooker Choosing a good rice cooker involves thinking through several factors to ensure it meets your needs and delivers the delicious rice you want. Here are some key points to keep in mind when selecting the best rice cooker: By considering these factors, you can select the best rice cooker that suits your needs, delivers delicious rice, and provides convenience in your cooking routine. Continue reading Best Rice Cooker in 2023

Buy A Mattress Without Fiberglass

Are you wondering about a mattress without fiberglass? Because of fire safety rules in the USA (and other countries for that matter), many mattress companies will use a fireproof barrier made of fiberglass to protect the very flammable mattress components from catching on fire and burning. Why do companies use fiberglass in their mattresses? Fiberglass doesn’t burn, and it’s cheap, and so it’s a natural choice for mattress companies trying to lower costs (in order to keep mattress costs low) while still meeting safety regulations in the country they are marketing their mattresses. Most mattress materials, like memory foam, are … Continue reading Buy A Mattress Without Fiberglass

Best Home EV Chargers

Choosing an electric vehicle is a daunting task – comparing all the specifications, worrying about efficiency of the EV motor drivetrain, and storage capacity of the battery packs (or maybe you’re one of the lucky ones that just picked one that looks nice?!). And now you need to choose the best home ev charger for your new EV! Today there are many options available for the best level 2 ev charger, but we hope this list will help you narrow in on the best electric car charger that meets all your needs. Things to consider when choosing the best ev … Continue reading Best Home EV Chargers

Best Child Proof Cabinet Locks

Anyone with little children knows the hassle of trying to keep kids out of the cupboards! Our little ones have all gone through stages where they just want to be near us – and that means underfoot, even when we’re in the kitchen preparing supper. As kids get more mobile, they start pulling open cabinets and exploring. Some of our cabinets don’t hold anything dangerous, but it’s still a hassle to reload all of the plastic container lids back into the drawer every time we prep a meal! We need some cabinet locks to keep children safe and out of … Continue reading Best Child Proof Cabinet Locks