MSI Gaming GeForce GTX 1660 Ti Ventus OC Ethereum Mining Speed Review

MSI Gaming GeForce GTX 1660 Ti Ventus OC

MSI Gaming GeForce GTX 1660 Ti Ventus OC Price and Availability

Prices and availability last updated 462791 minutes ago

MSI Gaming GeForce GTX 1660 Ti Ventus OC Ethereum Hashrate

Top Hash Speed: 29.5 MH/s Ethash
Average Hash Speed: 29.5 MH/s Ethash

Best Ethereum Hashrate Settings for MSI Gaming GeForce GTX 1660 Ti Ventus OC

Amazingly thorough testing on this mining GPU by Reddit user SerpentXSF

Allium (CryptoDredge 0.17) 6.42 Mhs Core +60 / Mem +400 Powerlimit 75 Intensity 6 90 Watts
BCD (Trex 0.9.2) 21 Mhs Core +100 / Mem +200 Powerlimit 75 Intensity 18 90 Watts
Bitcore (Trex 0.9.2) 30 Mhs Core +80 / Mem +0 Powerlimit 75 IIntensity 18 90 Watts
C11 (Trex 0.9.2) 24.8 Mhs Core +60 / Mem +200 Powerlimit 75 Intensity 18 90 Watts
CNHeavy (XMRrig 2.13.1) *** 521 Mhs Core +0 / Mem +0 Powerlimit 75 86 Watts
CNV8 (XMRStak 2.8.3) 575 Hs Core +40 / Mem +1000 Powerlimit 75 84 Watts
Cuckaroo29 (Bminer v14.3) 3.43 G/s (Hs) Core +60 / Mem +400 Powerlimit 75 90 Watts
ETH Pre-Fork (Claymore 12) 29.5 Mhs Core +80 / Mem + 1100 Powerlimit 75 90 Watts
Equihash 144_5 (EWBF 0.6) 37 Sol/s Core +60 / Mem +200 Powerlimit 75 90 Watts
Equihash 144_5 (Gminer 1.34) 38 Sol/s Core +60 / Mem +200 Powerlimit 72 85 Watts
Equihash 150.5 (EWBF 0.6) 13.5 kH/s Core +60 / Mem +200 Powerlimit 75 90 Watts
Equihash 96.5 (EWBF 0.6) 18.27 kH/s Core +60 / Mem +200 Powerlimit 75 90 Watts
Equihash 192,7 (EWBF 0.6) 17 Sol/s (Hs) +140 Core / Mem +200 Powerlimit 75 90 Watts
Equihash 192,7 (Gminer 1.34) 21 Sol/s Core +80 / Mem +200 Powerlimit 72 86 Watts
Hex (Z-enemy 1.28) *** 12.3 Mhs Core +0 / Mem +0 Powerlimit 75 Intensity 20 90 Watts
Hmq1725 (CryptoDredge 0.17) *** 9.2 Mhs Core +0 / Mem +0 Powerlimit 75 Intensity 6 90 Watts
Lyra2REv3 (CryptoDredge 0.17) *** 40.8 Mhs Core +0 / Mem +0 Powerlimit 75 Intensity 6 90 Watts
Lyra2z (CryptoDredge 0.17) *** 2.6 Mhs Core +0 / Mem +0 Powerlimit 75 Intensity 6 90 Watts
MTP-Zcoin (CryptoDredge 0.17) 1.84 Mhs Core +80 / Mem +600 Powerlimit 75 Intensity 6 90 Watts
Neoscrypt (CryptoDredge 0.17) *** TBA TBA Powerlimit 75 Intensity 6 90 Watts
Phi (CryptoDredge 0.17) *** 24.6 Mhs Core +0 / Mem +0 Powerlimit 75 Intensity 6 90 Watts
Phi2 (CryptoDredge 0.17) 9.2 Mhs Core +80 / Mem +200 Powerlimit 75 Intensity 6 90 Watts
ProgPOW (ethminer0.18 alpha) 13.4 Mhs Core +0 / Mem +0 Powerlimit 100 120 Watts
ProgPOW (ethminer0.18 alpha) *** 11.9 Mhs Core +60 / Mem +200 Powerlimit 75 90 Watts
ProgPOW (BCI Miner 0.16) 11.67 Mhs Core +60 / Mem +200 Powerlimit 75 90 Watts
Skunkhash (CryptoDredge 0.17) *** 36.2 Mhs Core +0 / Mem +0 Powerlimit 75 Intensity 6 90 Watts
Sonoa (Trex 0.9.2) *** 2.55 Mhs Core +0 / Mem +0 Powerlimit 75 Intensity 18 90 Watts
Timetravel (Trex 0.9.2) *** 36 Mhs Core +0 / Mem +0 Powerlimit 75 Intensity 18 90 Watts
Tribus (Trex 0.9.2) *** 81 Mhs Core +0 / Mem +0 Powerlimit 75 Intensity 18 90 Watts
Ubqhash - Ubiq (PhoenixMiner 4.1c) 29.2 Mhs Core +80 / Mem +800 Powerlimit 75 90 Watts
x16r (Z-Enemy.1-28) 17.8 Mhs Core +60 / Mem +0 Powerlimit 75 Intensity 20 90 Watts
x16r (Trex 0.9.2) 19 Mhs Core +60 / Mem +0 Powerlimit 75 Intensity 20 88 Watts
x16rt (Trex 0.9.2) *** 20 Mhs Core +0 / Mem +0 Powerlimit 75 Intensity 18 86 Watts
x16rt (CryptoDredge 0.17) 19 Mhs Core +0 / Mem +0 Powerlimit 75 Intensity 6 89 Watts
x17 (Trex 0.9.2) *** 16.5 Mhs Core +0 / Mem +0 Powerlimit 75 Intensity 21 88 Watts
x21s (Trex 0.9.2) 11.8 Mhs Core +80 / Mem +200 Powerlimit 75 Intensity 20 88 Watts
x22i (Trex 0.9.2) 10.2 Mhs Core +80 / Mem +400 Powerlimit 75 Intensity 18 89 Watts
Xevan (Z-Enemy.1-28) *** 3.6 Mhs Core +0 / Mem +0 Powerlimit 75 Intensity 20 88 Watts

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