Find the best GTX 1660 for Mining

The GTX 1660 GPU is part of the newly released series of graphics cards from NVidia. How is it for mining? Is it efficient enough to compete with the tried and true GTX 1060, or even the highly efficient GTX 1070Ti for mining? Check out the mining gpu comparison chart below.

GTX 1660 GPU Mining Comparison type:

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GPU Top Mining Hashrate Speed $ per MH/s Best Price
EVGA GeForce GTX 1660 XC Ultra Gamingbest price and mining hashrate speed 24.6 mH/s $9.90 Now In Stock at Amazon

GTX 1060 vs 1660: Is the GTX 1660 GPU better than the GTX 1060 for mining?

According to most benchmarks, the GTX 1660 is 30-40% faster than the GTX 1060 6GB cards.