ASUS GTX 1070 8GB ROG STRIX Price and Availability
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ASUS GTX 1070 8GB ROG STRIX ZCash Hashrate
ASUS GTX 1070 8GB ROG STRIX Ethereum Hashrate
Best ZCash Hashrate Settings for ASUS GTX 1070 8GB ROG STRIX
45 PIECES ASUS GTX 1070 STRIX O8G VRAM: 8GB CORECLOCK: 100 - 120 MEMCLOCK: 500 - 560 POWER-LIMIT: 72 HASHRATE: 437 - 450 Sol/s FAN SPEED: 70 - 82 VOLTAGE: 812 - 850 mv TEMP: 50 - 62° WATT: 115 - 120Watt EFFICIENCY: 3,6x - 3,8x Sol/W BIOS VERSION: SOFTWARE: EWBF 0.3.4b DRIVER: 382.53 Riser: 007c -> update are coming on 008c 6 Pin OS: WIN 10 PRO 64bit Version 1703 (Build 15063.413), should i install a other? source
Best Ethereum Hashrate Settings for ASUS GTX 1070 8GB ROG STRIX
Default Core Clock +707 Mem.Clock 70% Power Limit 106 W power drawn source
This GTX 1060 Mining GPU information is priceless. How can I find out more?
We wanna see the simplemining overclock setting for this gpu’s..